DEL-605-0.20 Intersection Improvements

Client: ODOT District 6

Location: Harlem Township, Ohio

Estimated Construction Cost: $2,242,230


DEL-605.0.20 Intersection Improvements

This project improved safety and capacity at the stop-controlled intersection of SR605 and Fancher Roads by constructing a modern single lane roundabout.  The project also included the replacement of dual 65”x40” CMP pipe-arch culverts with a single 12’x’4 concrete box culvert.  2LMN was the prime consultant, and responsible for all roundabout and approach geometry, drainage details including BMPs, culvert & headwall plans for the new box culvert (SFN 2103703), signing & pavement marking, and coordination amongst multiple utility needing relocation.  2LMN was also responsible for Right-of-Way plan development and writing legals.  Right-of-Way purchases were minimized by providing shallow ditch sections and varying ditch sideslopes where feasible.


Services Provided

  • Drainage Design
  • Roadway Design
  • Survey
  • ROW Plan Development