Norton Road at Kropp Road & Grove City Road Roundabout

Client: Franklin County Engineer’s Office

Location: Grove City, Ohio

Estimated Construction Cost: $2,600,000


Norton Road at Kropp Road & Grove City Road Roundabout

2LMN was selected by the Franklin CEO to design intersection improvements to the existing intersection of Norton Road (CR-3) and Kropp Road at Grove City Road (CR-135) with a modern, single lane roundabout. 2LMN was involved with all aspects of design and plan production. This included providing several options at the beginning of the project to determine a preferred alternative for the geometry and overall footprint of the project. 2LMN designed the roadway elements, MOT (full closure detour), drainage (Big Darby Creek watershed requirements for groundwater recharge), traffic control and proposed right-of-way. 2LMN met Franklin County deadlines and stayed within the proposed budget. 

2LMN worked closely with Franklin County near the close of the project to obtain the NOI from the OEPA prior to the project construction which will take place this summer. Franklin County was very pleased with 2LMNs plan, including the design and overall presentation. So much so, that 2LMN was informed that some of our typical sections for this project would be used as examples for Franklin County’s own Standard Construction Drawing standards for roundabouts.

Services Provided

  • Drainage Design & BMPs
  • Roadway Design
  • Survey
  • ROW Plan Development